
The VOICE Project is conducting research to understand what is important to young people when it comes to voting and topics related to voting. As a team interested in youth advocacy and health, it feels important to find out not just what research already says and what "experts" think, but also more specifically what young people think about these topics. 

We want to hear what you think, no matter what your opinions or experiences with voting are. This isn't an interview where there are any right or wrong answers - it's all about getting your perspective. You will receive $20 at the end of the interview!

Sign up for an interview with the VOICE Project today!


Are you a health provider at the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland or an affiliated clinic? 

In addition to youth interviews, our team is also conducting interviews with providers to understand your perspectives on how clinics can be a space for youth voter engagement. The interview will last about 40 minutes to 1 hour. To participate or for more information, please contact us at [email protected] or call Noor Chadha at 408-320-5892. Thank you so much for your consideration!